Friday, June 16, 2017

Earth Wisdom

Maka Woksape is Lakota* for "Earth Wisdom". An appropriate name for this blog on two levels. First, I'm a geology professor. As such, I study the Earth and know that there is much information you can obtain from the scientific study of minerals, rocks, fossils, landscapes, etc. Secondly, I'm a bit if a pagan and believe there is wisdom to be found in the rocks, trees, and wild places of the Earth.

I created this blog to write, maybe share if anyone's interested, and think about my feelings and beliefs which need some clarification (at least for me). We'll see where it goes.


*Lakota, for those who don't know refers to those Native Americans commonly known as the Sioux who currently live in places like the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Notable Lakota include Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Red Cloud, and Black Elk. The name Sioux came from the French Nadouessioux which most-likely derives from the Ojibwe Indian term meaning "little snakes". It wasn't a nice thing to call them and the term Sioux is considered by many to be derogatory today.

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